Is Your Wine Causing Hot Flash Hell?
When it comes to hot flashes, women will go to extremes to get rid of them. This often means that we’ll will seek care from multiple medical professionals as well as trying all sorts of pills, potions, & powders only to find that THE HOT FLASHES RAGE ON!
So, what do you do?
How about trying to cope by having an evening cocktail or two +? Although you may feel that it mellows you out and makes what you are experiencing more tolerable, the truth is: IT CAN MAKE THEM WORSE!
Drinking alcohol can trigger hot flashes just like stress can. So, should you still have that glass of wine?
It can have some benefit. For example, red wine has antioxidants and can help improve risk for heart disease. But don’t overdo it ladies!
It’s not all good though.
Moderate drinking (less than 1 drink a day for women) can lead to dependence and disturbed sleep which means you’ll be tired the next day and perhaps less productive. You may fall asleep easily but wake up more times during the night and have trouble falling back asleep.

When you wake up you are more prone to being aware of your hot flashes; hence feeling 1) tired 2) hot 3) sweaty 4) annoyed.
Don’t forget that drinking increases the risk for all cancers, organ damage, bone mass loss, depression and anxiety, falls, and impaired cognition (e.g. poor memory, confusion, brain fog).
So ditch the alcohol for a few weeks and see how you feel. Eliminating alcohol helps reduce hot flashes, you sleep better, maintain a healthier weight, and aid in mood regulation!
Who doesn’t want all that? We know we do!
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