Lifestyle Hacks For Chronic BV & Yeast
Did you know that about 75% of women will experience at least one yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis episode in her lifetime. For some women, they recur often and are considered chronic infections. Here are some of the causes:
- weakened immune system
- hormone changes
- antibiotic use
- certain conditions (HIV, diabetes, etc)
- during pregnancy
- douching
- soap/detergent allergies

Symptoms can vary but the most common one for yeast is itchy, burning, with a “cottage cheese” discharge. While BV’s main symptom is the “fishy” odor. Horrible, right? No woman should have to experience yeast or bv, and it definitely doesn’t have to be chronic. So how can women prevent or manage chronic episodes naturally? So glad you asked!
Well, the first thing is that prevention is much easier than trying to treat an active episode. So here’s a few tips to help with preventing yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
- Have excellent hygiene. Try to keep the area free from sweat and moisture by showering after workouts or avoiding nylon underwear.
- Don’t use scented soaps. Synthetic fragrances are often toxic and can disrupt the pH of the vagina which causes an imbalance in the natural flora.
- Don’t douche unless it’s medically prescribed. It’s not necessary because the vagina is ‘self-cleaning’. Douching can also cause an imbalance.
- Condoms can help in some cases where women have a sensitivity to their partner’s semen. Semen makes the vagina more alkaline which may lead to yeast or bv infections.
- Eat a healthy diet that is rich in whole foods. This helps to keep your immune system functioning properly and keeps your vaginal tissue healthy with balanced flora and pH.
- Cut out the sugar. I know, it tastes so good, but it’s harmful. Yeast feeds on sugar and it weakens the immune system. Oh, don’t forget about those simple sugars like alcohol, potatoes, rice, and sweetened drinks! Cut those, too.
- Manage stress. Stress has a very negative affect on the body on doesn’t give you the most optimal chance at wellness. It weakens the immune system and puts you at risk for all types of conditions.
- Be sure to support your gut health. Yes, you could take a probiotic, but you can also get acidophilus in your diet by eating yogurt or other fermented foods. A healthy gut keeps the vagina healthy! If you do decide to take a probiotic supplement, then be sure to use a professional quality supplement. Here’s how to test the probiotic to see if it’s good. Pour about ¼ cup of cow’s milk into a jar. Open your probiotic capsule and sprinkle the contents into the milk. The next day, the mixture should smell like yogurt and the consistency should be a little thicker. If not, then your probiotic is not working!
I really hope these tips help you prevent future outbreaks! You can always contact us for a holistic approach by clicking the link for a free discovery call.