Natural Approach To Diabetes type 2
holistic wellness
A Few Things About Diabetes

If you’re here, then chances are that you’re tired of taking all the medications, dieting, and nothing seems to be working. You may feel that you’ll have to take medication forever.
Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and don’t want it to progress. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for diabetes and it doesn’t get better without getting help or making some changes to your lifestyle.
Diabetes t2 is a progressive dis-ease. It either goes away or continues to get worse, causing the need to increase medication or add insulin.
Did you know, diabetes takes about 10 years off your life!
If you don’t get help to optimize your glucose levels, then you increase the risk of developing other conditions including:
- stroke, heart attack
- loss of eye sight
- limb amputation
- kidney failure
- numbness, tingling
- high blood pressure
- poor wound healing
- recurrent infections and more
You can get better
You can add years to your life & improve the quality of the time you have left.
Type 2 can be supported or eliminated by optimizing your health with herbs, foods, nutrients & lifestyle changes.
Even if you have type 1, you can still optimize the amount of insulin required.
Diabetes is Not a glucose problem
Our bodies were created to use glucose for energy. So that’s not the issue. The problem is your cells are not using insulin properly.
You must uncover what’s making your cells resistant to insulin & leaving high amounts of glucose in the blood.
Diabetes type 2 can be reversed or managed naturally
In many cases, diabetes t2 can be reversed with the correct lifestyle & nutrition changes.
Some people may not be able to reverse it but can optimize their health leading to a reduced need for medication.
Go ahead, contact us today to get started!
Naturopathic wellness
our Holistic approach to diabetes type 2
We’re sure you want more time with your loved ones, better mobility, have the energy to play with your grandchildren, or maybe participate in your favorite hobbies again.
Getting rid of diabetes can help you reach your goals by adding years to your life & improving the quality of the time you have left. No matter how severe your symptoms are, you can get better naturally. We can help you
- Reverse diabetes type 2. (yes, this is possible for some clients!)
- Reduce the amount of medications & insulin needed.
- Lower your risk of kidney damage & other diabetic complications.
Even if you have diabetes type 1 and require insulin, you can still use holistic therapies, such as healthy nutrition & lifestyle habits, to optimize your health and help manage how much insulin is required.
We help you understand how your current lifestyle habits and diet are contributing to high glucose levels and insulin resistance.
It’s not just about your glucose! We look at you as a whole person to see where your health is less than optimal. Do you have high stress? Are you sleeping well? Do you poop every day? Are your medications causing side effects? How much daily movement do you get or are you sedentary?
The list goes on but hopefully you get the point. All of the body’s systems operate as a unit to keep you healthy. If any system is not working properly, like not getting enough quality sleeping, then you’re at risk to develop illness. So we have to step back and look at the bigger picture- the whole you!
More Information
What Is type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes type 2 is one of the leading causes of death in the US. It’s a condition in which the body does not metabolize carbohydrates (which turn into glucose) adequately.
Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose enter the cells where it can be used for energy. In type 2 diabetes, insulin is made, but it isn’t being used properly because the cells have become resistant to it. This causes high glucose in the blood (instead of being used in the cells) & lots of complications. It’s typically diagnosed in adulthood.
When there’s excess glucose in the blood, it can cause lots of damage. It’s basically floating around bumping into the artery walls. This causes inflammation and leads to other conditions we mentioned above. So it’s very important to optimize your glucose metabolism.
It's not always your diet
What Causes type 2 Diabetes
There are many causes of DT2 and part of our process is finding the root cause which may be any of the following:
- Pancreatic conditions that cause the pancreas to have problems making insulin
- Genetic role is possible but not likely the cause. Even with a genetic predisposition, diabetes type 2 can usually be avoided. It runs in families mostly because of the lifestyle they share together (diet, etc)
- Sedentary lifestyle- little to no exercise or movement on a regular basis
- Standard American Diet- high in processed foods and sugar
- Thyroid issues- hormones are too low or high can affect insulin levels
- Adrenals- high cortisol can lead to high glucose
- Certain toxins like heavy metals and other environmental toxins
Now you know
Is Reversing Diabetes T2 possible?
Yes, in some cases, diabetes type 2 can be reversed using healthy lifestyle and nutrition habits. Some people require medication but we aim to balance your body so that you don’t need medication, or can significantly reduce the amount of medication required.
Once we find and eliminate the underlying cause of high glucose, then your glucose levels should return to optimal or at least decrease. However, if you go back to living the same lifestyle as before, then high glucose levels will return.
That’s why we say “reverse”, because there is no cure for diabetes. “Cure” implies that you will never have diabetes again no matter what you do. And that’s just not how it works.
The basics
Optimize Glucose Metabolism
Here are some things you can do to help optimize glucose metabolism:
- Stop getting online advice from resources that are not valid.
- Understand that everything that works for one person, may not work for you.
- Person A may be able to eat a lil rice, while that same amount of rice may cause Person B’s glucose to rise!
- Check your blood sugar at regular intervals, not randomly. Write down your results to see what foods cause spikes. You may need to adjust the meal combinations to help avoid spikes.
- First interval is fasting morning level- before food, drink, & medications.
- Other intervals are 1 to 2 hours after meals.
- Stop eating highly processed foods and choose clean whole foods instead. Whole foods, like vegetables, lentils, and beans, are nutrient dense. This gives your body the nutrition it needs to function optimally.
Herbs & Healthy Lifestyle
Natural Support For Diabetes
There’s no natural cure for diabetes or quick fixes. So optimizing your health often involves a combination of lifestyle changes and natural support. Here are a few natural supports for diabetes that might help, but always consult with your licensed healthcare provider before trying any new regimens, especially if you’re already on medication.
- Cinnamon: Cinnamomum cassia may improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels after meals. Adding cinnamon to foods or beverages might be beneficial.
- Fenugreek: It contains soluble fiber that can help lower fasting blood sugar levels by slowing down carbohydrate digestion and sugar absorption.
- Bitter Melon: It’s scientific name is Momordica charantia and it’s very bitter. This melon may help improve glucose tolerance.
- Berberine: This is an antioxidant that not only helps lower blood glucose, but may also help support the liver and strengthen the pancreas, which makes insulin. It’s a compound found in several plants and has shown potential in lowering blood glucose levels and insulin resistance.
- Gymnema sylvestre: It’s been used to help lower blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance, and slows glucose absorption in the intestines. It may also help reduce cravings for sweets.
Remember, there’s no cure for diabetes type 2, not even prescriptions will cure it! So we can’t stress enough the importance of a holistic approach that includes nutrition, along with physical activity and stress management.
Regular exercise can significantly help manage diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels. Muscles use more energy, therefore they also use more glucose. You don’t need a gym membership! Just find something you love to do and get moving. Stress also affects blood sugar levels. Practices like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help manage stress levels.
get help now
ready to say bye to diabetes Symptoms?
If you’ve been suffering for years and you’re tired of medications & finger pricks, then go ahead and schedule your discovery call with us.
We don’t use any medications or other therapies with harsh side effects.
Balancing your body and optimizing your health will improve your quality of life so you can get back to hanging with family & friends and doing the things you love.
It’s time to listen to your body & have true wellness. You’re not alone. We coach you every step of the way.
3 Easy Steps To Feel Your Best
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